Journalism as a Career Transition
I still don’t have all the answers in regard to my career transition, but I am getting close, and the experience of writing and reporting is a magnificent and productive strategy of learning by doing.
I still don’t have all the answers in regard to my career transition, but I am getting close, and the experience of writing and reporting is a magnificent and productive strategy of learning by doing.
The nature of the public service is changing, and the old ways are not coming back. The future of public administration is transformation – and it’s high time we started supporting public servants to scuttle the old systems that keep governments entrenched in non-value-added work.
Cities — like relationships — become great when a certain set of conditions are created in which people can flourish. If you establish an environment where people are empowered to launch innovative businesses, your city will become an innovation hub before you know it.
Learn how to be an entrepreneur in government from Mitchell Weiss, Senior Lecturer from Harvard Business School.
Skillful entrepreneurs are always entering unknown territories and learning new ways to better their understanding and further their resources. While there are business degrees to be earned, nothing teaches the entrepreneurial spirit. There is no textbook to guide you on how to navigate the ins and outs of every resource available to businesses today. With… Read more »
Photo credit: Luis Gomez Photos Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting two young entrepreneurs–the co-founders of the super-hip, new event crowdfunding startup, EventStir. Afghani-born Sajad explained to me how he met his business partner Andrew, at Startup Weekend DC. The event is a 54-hour race against the clock to launch a business in oneRead… Read more »
Last week, Good Magazine featured the launch of our Civic Startup Accelerator, which prompted a bunch of tweets — mostly supportive, some curious, but one however caught my eye: Peace Corps meets VC meets Silicon Valley. But why not just work for a startup? — Chase Adam (@ChaseAdam17) May 12, 2012 Basically it’s theRead… Read more »
Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Startup DC in partnership with Startup America and Microsoft has announced Entreprelooza! is occuring on Tuesday, March 6th at what was previously a Borders bookstore on 18th and L St. NW in Washington, DC. It will be a 70,000 square foot celebration of all things geeky, startup, and entrepreneurial inRead… Read more »
When I think of entrepreneurs, I think of people who see an opportunity to take advantage of a service which isn’t currently provided, then risk their own capital to provide that service in the hopes of building a successful business or brand. There are many people out there who would argue that entrepreneurs also haveRead… Read more »
Just after midnight last night, here on the East Coast, a new part of went live. Politico’s @MorningTech reported this morning that around 200 new datasets were released to the public. At present, I’m seeing 120 datasets, most of which relate to the agricultural industry, census data or import/exports: US CIO +Steven VanRoekelRead… Read more »