Why You Should Care about Electronic Records Management
What’s your electronic management strategy?
What’s your electronic management strategy?
Government faces increasing uncertainties as agencies pursue diverse and complex missions. That’s why more federal agencies are investing in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), a discipline that addresses the full spectrum of an organization’s risks, including challenges and opportunities, and integrates them into an enterprisewide, strategically aligned portfolio view.
The Office of Management and Budget released in July a long-awaited update to their guidance to agencies on steps they should take to manage – not avoid — expected and unexpected risks to their operations
There are jokes that getting put on GAO’s high risk list is like the 1977 Eagles’ hit, “Hotel California,” where “you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.” But in fact, over one-third of agency programs on the list have gotten off. What’s the secret?
From forging a unity of effort in homeland security to strategizing today how to field the U.S. Army of tomorrow; to pursuing affordable housing, eliminating fraud, waste, and abuse in healthcare, and securing cyberspace, our most recent issue of The Business of Government magazine delves into a diverse set of topics and public management issuesRead… Read more »
Do self confident, optimistic leaders ask this question often enough, at the right time? Risk experts Doug Webster and Tom Stanton think not. Writing in a new report for the IBM Center for The Business of Government, they observe: “The front pages of national newspapers constantly report on actions by private companies, federal leaders, orRead… Read more »
The Office of Federal Student Aid put in place the first formalized risk management framework in the federal government, starting its efforts in 2004. What does it look like? How did they do it? One former federal leader, Todd Grams, observes that agencies that ignore risk are actually creating risk. Not surprisingly, there has beenRead… Read more »
Please join us for this exciting event: Register here – http://www.nccaiim.org/Programs/program1302.htm What happens when you take “Big Bucket” scheduling for automated recordkeeping to the next level? How do you go about converting your current records schedules to “Super Buckets”? Why do it? Hear about an actual project using “Super Bucket” schedules in combination with auto-classificationRead… Read more »
Reposted from our AIIM Community Blogs – http://www.aiim.org/community/blogs/community/Experts-needed-to-develop-new-information-management-certification! By Atle Skjekkeland, Vice President at AIIM International April 01, 2011 – 7:46 AM We have already several experts willing to help us on a number of topics, but would like some more experts for the below topics for an in-person workshop in Baltimore Tuesday, May 3,Read… Read more »
AIIM are conducting a survey about Electronic Records Management products, and need some help with ratings from users. If you can help us out, will take approximately 5 minutes to complete, and we have an iPad to giveaway to a lucky participant. The survey is available at http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22B4HME4F3F We have also this year launched anRead… Read more »