How eSign Made Hawaii More Efficient
Hawaii’s agencies are now using Adobe Document Cloud solutions for everything from employee onboarding to signing common documents
Hawaii’s agencies are now using Adobe Document Cloud solutions for everything from employee onboarding to signing common documents
Daniel Le Métayer of INRIA Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes, and colleagues, have published Liability Issues in Software Engineering: The Use of Formal Methods to Reduce Legal Uncertainties, Communications of the ACM, 54(4), 99-106 (April 2010). Here is the abstract: This paper reports on the results of a multidisciplinary project involving lawyers and computer scientists with theRead… Read more »
The European eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015 has been posted. The plan includes several legal informatics components, including eSignatures, eIdentity, and online access to laws. Click here for a review of the plan by Andrea Di Maio of Gartner. HT Jacques Raybaut.
e-CODEX, a new European legal information systems interoperability project, apparently coordinated by the European Commission Directorate-General Justice, has been described on a new Website. e-CODEX appears to be intended to “support the further development of the European e-Justice portal,” and to carry out interoperability goals expressed in “The Council Action Plan on European e-Justice,” andRead… Read more »