Posts Tagged: Evidence

Innovation Entrepreneurs Unite!

You have nothing to lose but your silos! Last month, nearly 200 enthusiastic innovators from more than two dozen federal agencies gathered to share ideas and inspire each other with stories of what they are doing in their agencies. Using “lightening round” presentations, nearly a dozen presenters shared their stories. Andy Feldman from the DepartmentRead… Read more »

How Non-Profits and Foundations Support Evidence-Based Government

Non-profits, foundations, and universities are enthused by government’s growing interest in the use of evidence and evaluation. They are chiming in with either support for government initiatives or undertaking their own initiatives. Some non-profits and foundations are advocates for the use of evidence-based decision-making in different policy arenas, while others advocate use of different toolsRead… Read more »

Four Evidence-Based Initiatives in the Federal Government

The Obama Administration has built on efforts from the Bush Administration to embed the use of evidence and evaluation in making funding decisions. There are now four different types of initiatives underway, or proposed, in a range of federal agencies. Within OMB, there is an active effort to catalyze agencies to develop and undertake aRead… Read more »

Creating an Evidence-Based Government

Policymakers are fixated on short-term budget austerity measures such as furloughs, pay freezes, and conference and travel spending. However, there is a small, but growing effort to take a longer, more strategic look at how to manage austerity by finding what works and targeting dollars there instead of to programs that cannot demonstrate effectiveness. ThisRead… Read more »

OMB’s Push for Evidence-Based Budgeting Reinforces Value of Program Performance Research

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) just issued a memo calling for all federal agencies to submit evidence-based budgets that will prove program performance. According to the memo, “Agencies should demonstrate the use of evidence throughout their Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 budget submissions. Budget submissions also should include a separate section on agencies’ mostRead… Read more »