Posts Tagged: EX

Prioritizing Employee Experience to Enhance Government Services Amidst DOGE-Led Disruptions

When government employees feel valued and supported, they’re more likely to deliver a superior customer experience (CX). So even in times of disruption, it’s critical to prioritize the public sector’s employee experience (EX).

Inspiring Federal Employee Job Satisfaction Success

Among the top 10 predictors of federal job satisfaction are whether supervisors promote employee health and safety, instill trust and confidence in their workers, help employees achieve professional goals, and encourage work-life balance.

EX for What? 3 Things You Need to Know About Employee Experience

In reality, there is no shortage of uniquely broad definitions for EX — as a field of knowledge, empirical study of the subject is still in its infancy and there is no consensus on a common definition. However, most characterizations agree on a couple things.