P3s are Fun for Everyone!
P3s of the future won’t look like P3s of the past. In future, many of the best government employees will be wizards in working with the private sector. Here’s why, plus tips on getting started.
P3s of the future won’t look like P3s of the past. In future, many of the best government employees will be wizards in working with the private sector. Here’s why, plus tips on getting started.
It might not seem like the perfect time to ask federal agencies to take on a new challenge. We know you’ll disagree since this new challenge will decrease costs and advance goals that transcend agency borders. Americans expect government to “lead by example” to stave off climate change, reduce pollution, stimulate green domestic jobs, improveRead… Read more »
Acquisition, Communications, Leadership, Project Management
Managing Change in an Organization during a Transition in Leadership Authored by: Patty Guard, Former Deputy Director of Special Education Programs, US Department of Education, Board Member Public Sector Consortium Ensure stability When the previous boss is departing and you have accepted the position of the acting replacement, there are steps you can take toRead… Read more »
There aren’t any steps. I’ve never really liked “STEPS” lists, because they are too generic (unless you are putting together the Space Shuttle, or something like that). It is as if they will take you to the holy grail. Steps imply that they must be done in order – in sequence. Yet each community isRead… Read more »
I’m lucky to have a job where I get to celebrate the success of others in local government, I work for Local Government Improvement and Development (formerly the IDeA). But that means that I’m often called on for examples of successful implementation of whatever it is I’m working on now. (performance management, partnerships, customer insightRead… Read more »