How the Scotch Whisky Industry Inspires My Work in Government
How the scotch whisky industry inspires integrity and excellence through community.
How the scotch whisky industry inspires integrity and excellence through community.
Turning engagement into action is even easier yet not often done. How is that done? By taking those engaged persons and setting them up to be empowered to make decisions and take action. Here are eight actions that you need to take to make this shift.
Here is the simple (but not easy) four-step process to excellence in government.
“Can you hear me now?” You probably remember those Verizon Wireless commercials with the Verizon rep walking across the United States making sure the connection was intact. As annoying as the commercials were, they did drive home a point, cell service is everywhere. But here’s the thing, in many parts of the world, service isn’tRead… Read more »
We’ve all seen an ambulance racing down the street, sirens blaring, weaving in and out of traffic. But sometimes in the rush to get to the hospital in the fastest way possible another tragedy can strike. In 2010, a medic, patient and passenger all died when the ambulance driver lost control on an icy roadRead… Read more »
If you’re anything like me, “Orange is the New Black” has taken over your life. The show illustrates the difficult and fascinating life within the walls of a federal prison. The show is fiction, but the cruel world OITNB depicts is sadly often representative of what really happens in federal penitentiaries. But there are thoseRead… Read more »
Hurricane Sandy was one of the deadliest on record. The massive storm took the lives of 117 people in the United States and 69 more in Canada and the Caribbean. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) estimates that Sandy caused $5 billion dollars in losses: $4.75 billion in infrastructure damage and a further $246 million inRead… Read more »
It’s a bird, it’s a plane – it’s Superman!…nope, even better: it’s NASA. NASA has eyes in the skies, helping to monitor and protect us. Each day, NASA satellites collect and transmit valuable data about environmental conditions on earth, including climate change and the impact of natural disasters. But this information is useless without theRead… Read more »
More than a half million pieces of space debris are orbiting the earth, at speeds up to 17,500 miles per hour. Clearly this debris is a safety concern for astronauts aboard the International Space Station, but it also threatens to damage or destroy spacecraft and critical military, intelligence, communications, weather and navigation satellites. Richard RastRead… Read more »
There are some common practices undertaken by leaders to ensure successful organizational transformation. We will share some of these from our many years experiencing different organizations in type, size and sector. In one instance the owners of a small family-owned manufacturing company embraced an entirely new concept of order taking and production. A team-based andRead… Read more »