My Key Executive Leadership Program Journey
Here are some nuggets of wisdom about leadership I picked up during my recent journey that I hope will be beneficial for your own leadership journey.
Leadership, Professional Development, Project Management
Here are some nuggets of wisdom about leadership I picked up during my recent journey that I hope will be beneficial for your own leadership journey.
Digital Government, Leadership
Among the many decisions that transitions teams and a new administrations will grapple with, executive talent management can be overlooked as a key priority.
Public Service Recognition Week recognizes a lot of hidden talent across the government. But is that talent always available when the government needs it? Sometimes, it is. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen was superb at handling big, complex challenges that reach across agency boundaries. He led the evacuation of lower Manhattan during 9/11. He tookRead… Read more »
The IBM Center’s newly-released “Next Four Years” Resource Center updates its 2009 Presidential Transition materials for new political appointees. But it offers more in the way of other good government imperatives that will challenge leaders tomorrow. There are six “go to” topics in the IBM Center’s Resource Center for incoming new political appointees as wellRead… Read more »
Legislation intended to deter members of Congress from profiting from stock trades based on inside information is inadvertently forcing 28,000 federal employees to expose their personal financial information on the Internet. The result, according to a trade group for senior government executives, is a number of unintended risks that federal employees must now bear, andRead… Read more »
Career, Communications, Human Resources, Leadership, Miscellaneous
Legislation intended to deter members of Congress from profiting from stock trades based on inside information is inadvertently forcing 28,000 federal employees to expose their personal financial information on the Internet. The result, according to a trade group for senior government executives, is a number of unintended risks that federal employees must now bear, andRead… Read more »
She says, he says An article in the Washington Post of June 13 titled “Ex-loan officer claims Wells Fargo targeted black communities for shoddy loans” includes a number of “he said, she said” claims. In this case “she” is Beth Jacobson, who worked as a loan officer for Wells Fargo. Amongst other things she claimsRead… Read more »
The five Loaned Executive (LE) teams have stepped up their game: They are now competing for three valuable autographed footballs to be awarded to the winning LE team’s highest-scoring departments. The winning score will be based on the following statistics: percentage of 2010 goal achieved, percentage of total dollars pledged in 2010 vs. 2009 andRead… Read more »
To mark the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Senior Executive Service (SES), the Senior Executives Association (SEA) has launched a survey of GS-14s and 15s (and their equivalents) to ascertain their interest in applying for and serving in the SES and in Senior Level (SL) and Scientific and Professional (ST) positions. While theRead… Read more »
Innovation will be the highlight at the Senior Executives Association Professional Development League (SEA PDL) 2009 Annual Career Executive Leadership Conference to be held Tuesday, June 30, 2009, in Washington, D.C. Speakers will include: John Kao is the author of best-selling Innovation Nation and chairman of the Institute for Large Scale Innovation. Kao will discussRead… Read more »