Planning Performance Appraisal Success in a Virtual World
It is never too early to think about how to plan for performance appraisal success, especially in a virtual world.
Career, Professional Development
It is never too early to think about how to plan for performance appraisal success, especially in a virtual world.
Leadership, Professional Development
You could spend your entire professional life learning to be a better leader. Except you will have no time to lead because you will be consumed with free advice from nearly everyone.
For those of you who are experiencing loss, depression, sadness, loneliness, or the many complicated feelings and difficult situations that add stress to “the most wonderful time of the year,” please know that you’re not alone.
Career, Communications, Leadership
Training is a useful tool, but it’s just that – a tool. The apparent need for training can mask a deeper problem – unclear expectations. When employees don’t know what you want, smart people create processes that don’t work.
I use the idea of model a lot. 32 search mentions on Sales Lab Posts and a like number on Through The Browser, plus they are all over my presentations and projects. I use models because they are a fast, efficient way to stay current on many subjects, to dynamically address changing situations. A modelRead… Read more »
The term for someone fascinated with rules, not changing outcomes, obsessing over imagined possible violations. A spectator at life. Their work product is a shifting, unprioritized list of what could go wrong, real and imagined. It’s a task that doesn’t ever need to end, a full time occupation without effort. I was playing in aRead… Read more »
A baby girl, just taking her first steps, fell backwards, hitting her head on the sidewalk. She looked up at me trying to figure out what had just happened. I looked back at her and started a big laugh. She thought for a few seconds and started laughing with me. Crisis averted. Her mother startedRead… Read more »
There is no question that social media is changing the way that we engage as citizens and as individuals. We are constantly going online to ask questions of each other, to type away to live chat support, to reference web pages, read reviews, watch DIY videos and learn as much information as we can inRead… Read more »
In a recent column in the Washington Post, former Clinton administration official Elaine Kamarck asked the compelling question, can a grown-up win the presidency? She goes on to discuss that the chatter classes often can see the merits of the well-versed, established candidate while the public likes to know that they can feel comfortable havingRead… Read more »
I earlier posted a list of fundamental questions and dilemmas (which I recently updated) to the GovLoop forum: Update: I put the questions on the GovLoop wiki under the name “Questions concerning government participation.” I’ve been asked to flesh this out with research and case studies. Can members of this network suggest things toRead… Read more »