Top 5 Elements of EX Moments That Matter
Good employee experiences (EX) should recognize Moments that Matter — that is, both good and bad moments, some outside an agency’s direct control, that span a government employee’s career.
Good employee experiences (EX) should recognize Moments that Matter — that is, both good and bad moments, some outside an agency’s direct control, that span a government employee’s career.
In reality, there is no shortage of uniquely broad definitions for EX — as a field of knowledge, empirical study of the subject is still in its infancy and there is no consensus on a common definition. However, most characterizations agree on a couple things.
One of the best ways to get focused during a crisis is to help others. So, let’s look at how volunteering can work for anyone: 10 ways to virtual volunteer.
How can you do a quick check of the qualifications for federal jobs? Use keywords in competencies and occupational questionnaire and support in your resume.
In a recent interview, Chief Technology Officer Bob Osborn at ServiceNow explained that this interaction must become the new norm for government. He explained that rising citizen demands make it imperative that agencies pursue new solutions, including intelligent agents, to create seamless experiences for constituents.
How you can use social media to increase your brand at work.
A manager might need temporary talent on a project and doesn’t have it on his/her team. Energetic employees in other parts of the agency may have those skills and would like to share them as a way of broadening his/her professional experience. How can they connect? GovConnect is an initiative sponsored by the Office ofRead… Read more »
Experience is routinely framed as a pre-requisite (i.e. do you meet Experience X? yes or no). In my Agency (Canada Revenue Agency), we’ve had a long history of also considering and evaluating the quality of one’s experience in order to make appointments/placements. So from a pool of qualified candidates, a hiring manager would define aRead… Read more »
The other day at the next marina, there was a 32-foot cabin cruiser attempting to tie up to the dock. The captain was having a difficult time bringing the boat near the dock – very entertaining for the observers in our marina. First, the boat was aiming at the dock on an angle instead beingRead… Read more »
The movement to assess and improve the usability of federal government websites is small, vocal, and growing. GSA’s First Fridays program makes free usability testing available to federal agencies, and a wide range of agencies have undertaken their own regular assessments of their sites and applications. Slowly but surely, the archaic mindset that a .govRead… Read more »