Posts Tagged: Facebook

At Fort Hood: Social media, community lauded for help in locating missing girl

So glad this story has gotten more attention. Excerpted from the article on the Army website: A massive outpouring of support from Fort Hood, surrounding communities and social media helped a potential nightmare for one Fort Hood family end happily last week….. {ELLIPSE} “Facebook provided great information,” Fort Hood Garrison Commander Col. Mark Freitag said.Read… Read more »

What is Facebook good for? Helping to find a missing child: a Fort Hood story with a happy ending

I happen to subscribe to the official Facebook page of Fort Hood (TX) because my husband sometimes teaches there..I am on the East Coast. He had a fantastic experience there, made friends, and learned a lot himself. I check in once in a while to see what “the Great Place” is doing because he wasRead… Read more »

How is best to communicate with residents through snowy conditions?

Hello from across the pond, It’s now December and icy roads, closed schools and uncollected bins tend to dominate local government over the coming months. Residents rush to council websites seeking to report problems and find information. Increasingly, there is an expectation for this data to be real time. So what should councils be doing?Read… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Minding Your Social Media Ps & Qs

There are rules of etiquette for every social situation, from dining to business meetings – and even dining during business meetings. Most of these rules have been around for a while and they are just an accepted part of social interaction. There is a whole other set of rules and guidelines that falls under theRead… Read more »

HootSuite launches new App Directory

HootSuite, which gained prominence as a Twitter dashboard/management tool, launched a new App Directory last month. HootSuite had already added social media channel integration as they grew; their dashboard currently allows you to manage your Facebook, LinkedIn,, WordPress, MySpace, Foursquare and mixi pages/accounts (along with Twitter). And now they’ve expanded their reach again withRead… Read more »

Leveraging the power of social media in government

Scott Burns, CEO and co-Founder of GovDelivery, provides insights for how government agencies can leverage the power of social media. Watch the video to hear Scott discuss social media as part of an integrated communications strategy that incorporates email and text messaging/SMS to fight through the “noise.” What do you think? How did your governmentRead… Read more »

The Facebook Phenomenon

Part three in our David Kirkpatrick video series! Did you catch our first and second videos? David Kirkpatrick sits down with GovDelivery to discuss the Facebook Phenomenon and why Facebook now dominates social networking. He also shares his thoughts on how government can leverage the power of Facebook to help improve citizen satisfaction. Watch theRead… Read more »

Google launches Google+ guide for politics and government

View original post. Hot on the heels of launching Google+ Pages on November 7, Google has released a “how-to” guide for G+ aimed at increasing use of the new social platform by those in politics and government. The “Google+ for Politics” page is part of a series of guides targeting segments like Celebrities, Media, Non-Profits,Read… Read more »

How social media has changed government-to-citizen interaction

This is part two in our David Kirkpatrick video series. Did you catch yesterday’s post? David Kirkpatrick, author of “The Facebook Effect,” sat down with us after our social media conference to discuss how Facebook and social media has changed the way government interacts with citizens. He also delves into the question that many governmentRead… Read more »

The future of social media

In October, GovDelivery hosted a social media conference in Washington, D.C. with nearly 300 attendees, from local government workers to Federal employees and government contractors. At the heart of the event was a Facebook foundation: David Kirkpatrick, author of “The Facebook Effect,” delivered an engaging keynote presentation, and Adam Conner, Associate Manager of Public PolicyRead… Read more »