Alegra Hassan-Co Host to Open Government TV introduces January 11, 2010 Conference at DOT
“You are welcome to contribute your thoughts to the OpenGov Playbook by visiting“
“You are welcome to contribute your thoughts to the OpenGov Playbook by visiting“
The Consumer Electronics Association’s “Apps for Innovation” contest for software application developers closes in two weeks, on Monday, December 14. The grand-prize winner will receive $10,000 and a free trip to the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), January 7-10, 2010, in Las Vegas. A second-place winner will receive $5,000, and a third-place winner will receiveRead… Read more »
If you are interested in the topic of Net Neutrality I have created a new group that you are invited to join. I am not an expert on the subject but have been on the internet since 1981 as a bulletin board user, sysop, uucp connected unix user, early adopter and built a 35,000 subscriberRead… Read more »
Well, we really don’t have a unified national alert system that is able to alert the population, first responders, law enforcement, etc, in case of natural or man made dissasters. So what did I do about this? Well, I got together with a group of homeland security and IT security professionals and designed a systemRead… Read more »