INFOGRAPHIC: Can Small Businesses Survive Category Management?
The latest acquisition trend to hit the federal government is category management.
The latest acquisition trend to hit the federal government is category management.
Statistics are safe, objective. A useful part of our work culture, statistics help us navigate around white fragility. We acquire them, require them, and reinforce privilege of not being the subjects most impacted. We have a hard time imagining where to begin unraveling these statistics with people who are not immersed in these reports, unlike… Read more »
Utilizing modern, automated solutions, agencies can easily move off pen-to-paper and fillable forms in their review process, opening the door for better record-keeping of both formal and informal reviews. While ongoing conversations between workers and managers are beneficial, both parties can easily forget important points and takeaways from these conversations over time. The best, modern… Read more »
Good employees are valuable. Some would argue invaluable. No matter your stance, team members require an investment and like any good investment it needs to be nurtured and encouraged.
Learn to foster an effective strategy towards happier days.
In a dream world, every office would come with kittens and puppies, free therapists or nap rooms. The reality is there are low cost and low interference tactics we can implement to provide relief to our front line staff.
Here are a few tips to make dress rehearsals part of your presentation preparation.
You know how some people like crossword or jigsaw puzzles? Editing is the same thing.
For a sustainable social media presence, you need to empower your agency’s staff to make social media part of their everyday communications strategy. Here’s how.
In this space over the coming weeks, we hope to turn your attention to the many ways the Census Bureau has met the digital challenge while at the same time transforming our approach from agency-centric to more information and customer centric. We understand that in an age of mobile technology, people are used to getting… Read more »