Posts Tagged: featured blogger

Perspective on Presidential Transitions: How George W. Bush and Barack Obama Managed a Transfer of Power

Martha Joynt Kumar, author of “Before the Oath: How George W. Bush and Barack Obama Managed a Transfer of Power” joined us on The Business of Government Hour to share her perspective on her latest book about presidential transitions.

Design Thinking For Evolving Solutions

Design thinking is shaking up how top innovators do business. But it is not a new flavor of the month — it has been practiced for decades. You can benefit from design thinking no matter what your background or field.

Add An Awesome Accelerator to Your Leadership Tools

Recognition is something that everyone desires and seeks when they perform on and off the job. Recognition helps us meet a significant ego need we all have. When our performance also meets our personal needs, our motivation to continue good performance is significantly increased. By combining recognition with any of these tools it serves as… Read more »