Posts Tagged: featured blogger

10 USAJOBS Tips That Will Get You a Federal Job

A lot of people are looking for federal jobs today, and if you’re one of these people it’s important to look before you leap. Before you apply, make sure you scrutinize the announcement like an eagle scrutinizes a rabbit before swooping down to catch it and eat it. Scrutinize all you want, but please don’tRead… Read more »

Zero to ‘Secure’ in 60 Seconds: 3 Tips for Using Agile Security to Create a Security Posture

You’re hired…. Now ‘do’ security! That’s a common challenge to information security professionals hired into an organization that previously had not staffed security positions.  Daily breach headlines, and evolving threats, can make the pursuit of a security program the equivalent of a game of ‘Whack-a-Mole’.  After spending a few years in the security consulting arenaRead… Read more »

7 Ways to Survive and Thrive a Reorganization

What is the word that inspires the biggest groan from government employees? That’s right, reorganization. When you work at any level of government, agency reorganizations can hit like a hurricane, leaving us feeling like we have been buried under a ton of debris. As today’s government works toward adopting a more agile and businesslike environment,Read… Read more »

Leadership Training – Not Just for Young Employees

As a “seasoned” employee of the Corps of Engineers, I thought I already knew quite a bit about leadership. After almost 25 years, I have been a Project Manager, Program Manager, and had a few stints as a temporary Supervisor, in addition to my usual technical work in environmental compliance. When my mentor suggested IRead… Read more »

5 Reasons Why a Detail Should be Your Next Professional Development Activity

This week marks my fourth week on detail to the Office of Personnel Management’s Innovation Lab, commonly known as The Lab at OPM. If you’re not familiar with the Lab, it was created as a space to encourage creative problem solving within the government. Modeled after visits to companies known for creativity and innovation inRead… Read more »

4 Hacks to Score Free Job-Related Training

Competition for jobs is fierce in today’s economy. According to Forbes, a typical job posting attracts 118 applicants! With this in mind, jobseekers need to be proactive in seeking opportunities to learn and refine skills. Last week, I attended an Economic Measurement Seminar organized by the National Association of Business Economists (NABE). It took placeRead… Read more »

4 Steps to Work Better with Your Coworkers (No Matter How Unreasonable They Might Seem)

It seems like an easy enough task, right?  Getting along with your co-workers. But they’ve got a few little teeny, tiny annoying habits. Or maybe, instead, it’s a giant ego.  What can you do when your co-workers drive you crazy? Good working relationships take more than luck While you may have lucked out in yourRead… Read more »