Posts Tagged: featured blogger

4 Hacks to Score Free Job-Related Training

Competition for jobs is fierce in today’s economy. According to Forbes, a typical job posting attracts 118 applicants! With this in mind, jobseekers need to be proactive in seeking opportunities to learn and refine skills. Last week, I attended an Economic Measurement Seminar organized by the National Association of Business Economists (NABE). It took placeRead… Read more »

4 Steps to Work Better with Your Coworkers (No Matter How Unreasonable They Might Seem)

It seems like an easy enough task, right?  Getting along with your co-workers. But they’ve got a few little teeny, tiny annoying habits. Or maybe, instead, it’s a giant ego.  What can you do when your co-workers drive you crazy? Good working relationships take more than luck While you may have lucked out in yourRead… Read more »

3 Steps to Lead Change from the Middle

You’re stuck in the middle. LITERALLY. As middle management you get the seemingly impossible task of not just managing those who report to you, but the delicate balance of working with other managers AND keeping your boss happy (which generally means keeping his/her boss happy). So how do you keep both ends of the spectrumRead… Read more »

5 Tips for Building and Maintaining a Strong List of References

References are often put on the back burner when there are resumes and cover letters to be written, but they can make or break your job search. Accordingly, ensuring reference lists are complete and up to date should be a priority in the job search and interviewing process. The key is to keep professional referencesRead… Read more »

11 Groups That Will Improve Your Storytelling Skills

Good leaders are always storytellers. People who knew Abraham Lincoln admired his storytelling skills from the days of his youth. Even if you’re new to public speaking, you too can develop your own storytelling ability. I’ve already written about the 10 Essential Elements of a Successful Story and about the 108 Most Persuasive Words inRead… Read more »

Technology Advances a Smart City

Cisco, Qualcomm, Intel, SAP, and IBM have “Smart City” programs that promise to solve urban problems, involve citizens, conserve energy, and launch cities into a new “digital” future. Their marketing and technology expertise would have us believe that no city could run faster, better, and cheaper without more technology. Cisco has committed to create aRead… Read more »

GovHack: Hacking to make Government better in New Zealand

Last weekend, New Zealand joined Australia for GovHack 2015. If you’re not familiar with the idea, this is a 2-day hackathon set up for people – community, industry, academia, civil society and public sector  − to get creative with government data. The goal is to build some ‘thing’ using open government data. To be clear: this isRead… Read more »

Three Ways To Improve Federal Digital CX On A Shoestring

Have you read the results of the Government Business Council’s new “Digital Disconnect” survey? The results are fascinating, and I could go on for quite some time about them (just ask my dogs, who have been listening to me rant about the survey all morning). However, at the moment I will focus on the resultRead… Read more »