The Key to Continuous Process Improvement Projects
Before diving into the CIP pool, consider whether doing the process improvement project makes sense in the big-picture direction your agency wants to head
Before diving into the CIP pool, consider whether doing the process improvement project makes sense in the big-picture direction your agency wants to head
Lean management provides the ability to study and manage employees and their related processes breaking them down into a kind of supply chain view. Then, focus on what works and what does not work thus, providing input for a model for improvement.
We all feel better looking back on accomplishments we can measure, see and touch. When we work for the government, this can feel like a challenge. To meet this challenge, we need to foster and maintain a sense of empowerment.
Five commonsense tips to make the most out of your shorter days.
Greater mission demands with smaller workforces are driving a need to reframe the old axiom Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way. It also demonstrates the need for strong leadership, dynamic followership and accountability.
Practicing humility and stepping into the skin of the other can help us eliminate blind spots and broaden our worldview.
In government, there has been a growing respect for the world’s oldest form of communication: storytelling. Storytelling is a vibrant way to persuade, entertain, inform and inspire your team. And even more important than storytelling is story sharing.
The public sector will never have the “no strings attached” freedom of a genius grant. But finding solutions to increasingly complex challenges demands that we foster conditions for dynamic, creative approaches to today’s problems.
How do we better engage government workers? Challenge them.
What’s at the heart of solving some of our nation’s biggest issues like poverty, homelessness and drug addiction? The answer lies in data.