Posts Tagged: featured blogger

6 Steps to Convince your Boss to Adopt a New Email Strategy

Sometimes change can be difficult for agencies and organizations to embrace (especially when the change is centered around technology and/or public image), so you may need to do a little prep work to ensure you’re ready for the conversation about updating your email strategy. Here are six steps to broaching this subject with the powers-that-be.

What Innovating Acquisition Should Mean – And Should Not

Talk of innovating Federal acquisition is widespread. Change is needed, and many smart people are hard at work on it. Confusion accompanies the conversation, however, and clarification is needed. If you’re involved in an acquisition innovation effort, ask yourself the following questions. What do we mean by innovating acquisition? Broadly, it seems the government canRead… Read more »

5 Tips for Confronting a Problem Co-Worker

It all started with an empty pot of coffee. But let me start at the beginning… Back in the olden days, when I roamed the earth with the dinosaurs, my personality was a bit different. In the workplace, I was shy and timid, and as a result, somewhat reticent. That didn’t last long, thankfully, probablyRead… Read more »

Some Tools of the Trade: Part 1

My team helps support creative practice in the Scottish Government: encouraging and equipping staff to come forward with, and implement, ideas that will improve our corporate systems and our policy making. Sometimes what we do can seem a bit like magic. We come in, sprinkle a bit of fairy dust over a problem and ‘hey presto’,Read… Read more »

Does Your Agency’s Reputation Precede You?

There are lots of jobs with stigmas attached to them. I think it’s safe to say we’ve all heard at least one or two lawyer jokes in our lifetime. Speaking of which… A lawyer walks into a bar. Just kidding…I’m not going down that road. Government employees sometimes get a bad rap, but the truthRead… Read more »

Professional Development on a Shoestring

When your workload grows and your budget shrinks, professional development often gets pushed to the back burner.  Here are some ideas about finding training and development opportunities despite the obstacles. Updating Your Individual Development Plan (IDP) – There are a variety of ways government employees make use of development plans, and not all processes are ofRead… Read more »

This Senator is Making History for Women

Women’s History Month presents us with an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the incredible achievements of women everywhere. One inspiring woman who is still making history today is U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland (pictured above). She is the longest serving woman in the history of Congress, extending her record with each passing day.Read… Read more »