Posts Tagged: featured blogger

Survivor: Cubicle Farm

Also no surprise, the business community, whether private sector or government-based, tends to focus on the knowledge, skills and abilities related to job performance or career development. But rare is the job advertisement that warns: Successful applicants should be prepared to remain seated for biologically unnatural periods of time.

Perception is Reality: Alternate Realities Do Exist

You’ve heard the adage: Perception Is Reality. Well, I’m here to tell you that it rings true outside of sci-fi and super-hero realms in the comic books. It exists in virtually every agency. Every business. And, in every relationship. Following are some common situations where this comes into play. What you need to realize andRead… Read more »

The Power of the Drip Part 1: Email Frequency and Timing

Drip marketing refers to an email strategy that sends a series of messages to an audience over time. Employing this method affects email frequency and timing. Because the focus is on syncing pre-planned messages with predictable audience actions or interests, the frequency/timing will vary from subscriber to subscriber.


I want to give a shout-out to people who, over the last couple of months, have felt harried, desperate, confounded and fulfilled.  These are the “statetographers,” my new word for people who facilitate the annual expression of a leader’s internal vision to a wider audience.  Others might call you “speechwriters,” but your craft and callingRead… Read more »

Is Your Government Agency a Social Media Dinosaur?

How smart and savvy is your government agency on social media? Has it staked out a strong social presence in cyberspace, or is it more like a meandering dinosaur in Jurassic times? It should be evident by now that all public sector agencies need to strategically leverage social media in the 21st century Digital AgeRead… Read more »

One Bureaucratic Act of Kindness per Day

A majority of Americans view government employees in a negative light; we are viewed as overpaid and underqualified according to most polls of the general public. While research shows that this isn’t true (see my last blog post), how do we improve public perception of government employees? For those of us that interface with theRead… Read more »

Many Hands Really Do Make Light Work

I know, I know. That “many hands make light work” expression is nothing new. We’ve all heard it before, although, I typically prefer a different variation: “teamwork makes the dream work”. I’ve always accepted it to be true, but I have never seen it on quite the scale that I witnessed at Arlington National CemeteryRead… Read more »