Posts Tagged: featured blogger

Unless There’s a Ring on My Finger, We’re Not Engaged

Once upon a time engaged meant going from single to partnered. Or it meant a variation of being busy – for better worse. These days engagement is such a buzzword in business-speak that it oversaturates our workplace communications. And this engagement isn’t a romantic proposal; it’s a request for our undivided attention. Is asking forRead… Read more »

5 Tips for Combating PTSD (Public Transportation Stress Disorder)

This week I finally got around to doing the annual re-certification for my public transportation subsidy program benefits (I started getting emails about it in September, so clearly I’m on top of my game). Before I clicked “submit” I took a minute to think about what I’m really getting out of this program. YES, inRead… Read more »

Why Mandatory Training Rocks

  (Comic used with permission. Check out more Fedz comics here) Government employees are excellent at being trained. Hey, we have to be, right? It seems like every month there’s a new training requirement. Have you ever heard something like this?  Or said it yourself? “What a waste of time! Don’t they know I’ve got otherRead… Read more »

Fostering Diversity & EEO is #2 Public Sector Priority for 2015

Most government agencies understand the business case for diversity and equal employment opportunity (EEO). It’s evident by now that diverse employees bring a broad range of ideas and viewpoints to the table which can promote positive change, spark innovation, increase productivity and maximize strategic mission-driven results. This is particularly true as the nation and laborRead… Read more »

Find Your Strengths and Your Sweet Spot

I know StrengthsFinder 2.0 has been mentioned in the GovLoop community, but I want to vouch for it.  If you haven’t already taken this online survey, check it out at The survey tests your preferences among 34 themes and spits out a nice report on your top five strengths.  These are the areas whereRead… Read more »