Posts Tagged: featured blogger

5 Ways to Prepare for the Section 508 Refresh

We govies have been waiting for the Section 508 refresh for almost seven years. It was April 2008 when an advisory committee presented the first draft of the refresh to the U.S. Access Board. Section 508 is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended in 1998. The amendment includes accessibility requirements for government agenciesRead… Read more »

The Confidentiality of Email

If you’re like me you felt the same sense of relief in response to the recent media reports of cybersecurity breaches as you felt the last time you joined a line of rubberneckers creeping past a fender-bender on the other side of the highway. At least it’s not me. Cyber attackers routinely go after internalRead… Read more »

5 Public Sector Priorities for the New Year: #1 Strengthen Cybersecurity

Happy New Year everyone…now let’s get down to business. This is the first of a five part series on top priorities for government agencies in calendar year 2015. Please note the issues being addressed in this series are by no means exhaustive. Rather, they reflect a sampling of the many challenges facing government at allRead… Read more »

“You Better Listen to Me Because I Pay Your Salary!”

If you’ve been employed by a government entity, the odds are that you have been assaulted by hurtful or simply ridiculous remarks. Especially when someone at a party or gathering learns for the first time that you are ‘one of them’: ‘the lazy drains on society and their personal pocketbook’. Well, I’m about to giveRead… Read more »

Keep Up the Good Work

Greetings all, This is my first post (like, ever) so be kind. I was tempted to write up a piece on how resolutions are mostly meaningless without well thought-out objectives and milestones.  I’d make a clever connection to how organizations often make the same mistake when taking on major change management or training initiatives.  AsRead… Read more »

Avoiding the “Jaded Fed” Syndrome

We all know them – the long (or short) term career bureaucrat, counting down the days (months, decades) to retirement, seething in negativity and boredom. These employees contribute to poor public perception, engage in bristly customer service and their negativity can bring others down with them, creating a toxic work environment. Here are some tipsRead… Read more »