Posts Tagged: featured blogger

How to Say “Sorry” at Work — and Mean It

If you have ever had to say, “I’m sorry” to someone at work – for “dropping the ball,” missing a deadline, or saying the wrong thing, you know how awkward and difficult it can be. Apologizing to friends and family is hard enough; telling a coworker, staff member or boss “I’m sorry” can be downrightRead… Read more »

Do You Have an API Economy?

APIs have been around a long time. Not sure what an API is? The Next Web is worth reading on this… As ever Wikipedia has a good answer: ‘In computer programming, an application programming interface (API) specifies how some software components should interact with each other.’ Sounds straight forward, or is it? Of course asRead… Read more »

Excellent Writing Skills: A Workplace Must

Often times, the written word is the only form of communication for daily office instruction. If you are unable to explain yourself in a clear and sufficient manner, it may slow down the process of getting things done. On a personal note, if you are unable to write correctly you may end up losing respectRead… Read more »

15 Icon Resources

Looking to add visuals to improve your materials? These icon resources will help you out. Finding Icons The Noun Project Iconmonstr Map Icons Smashing Magazine Freebie Icons Search Fontello (font icons) Font Awesome (font icons) FindIcons Creative Commons Search Engine Building a Global Visual Language from The Noun Project on Vimeo. 9) Iconathon “IconathonsRead… Read more »

World Cup Strategies for Better Public Sector Recruiting

After the US Men’s National Soccer Team lost in the World Cup, all the commentators lamented the state of US soccer. How are we going to develop great American soccer players when the best athletes are still choosing football and basketball? Listening to this discussion, I found a parallel between attracting great young athletes toRead… Read more »

The Next American Revolution? Applying Business Management Practices to State Government

Tomorrow, we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It is an amazing document written by bright and determined individuals who wanted to throw off the yoke of servitude from the British crown. It, of course, was signed on July 4, 1776. But five months later, it looked as if the American Revolution wasRead… Read more »

Proreactivity: The Last Social Media Frontier for the Public Sector

It is no big secret that the public sector is slow in adopting new technologies. When Public Sector Organizations (PSO) do adopt new technologies, they don’t always do it properly. This was the case (with a few exceptions) with social media. Most PSOs went in late and then tried to do it in a “businessRead… Read more »

Using Visual Language to Improve Your Verbal Communication

My favorite innovation techniques, such as brainwriting, come from some key books in my personal library: Gamestorming, Back of the Napkin, Blah Blah Blah: What To Do When Words Don’t Work,, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information and Visual Explanations. Common to all of these resources is the concept of “visual language” or “visualRead… Read more »