Are you Fighting Fraud, or Sitting by While it Happens?
Are you doing your part to reduce improper payments?
Are you doing your part to reduce improper payments?
P3s of the future won’t look like P3s of the past. In future, many of the best government employees will be wizards in working with the private sector. Here’s why, plus tips on getting started.
What the five principles of risk management mean for you.
There is really no formula for heartbreak (although that would be wonderful) but with time and some of these techniques, it gets easier. You’re resilient and have the ability to overcome any situation.
Learn how to identify instances of low resilience in your work.
Feedback is important, especially in performance management.
Are you making your city the best place to watch the solar eclipse?
The FedRAMP System Security Plan (SSP) is the crown jewel of all cloud service providers. Automating the SSP may be a goal worthy of this crown jewel.
Self-awareness is a key trait to have. There are times however, when self-awareness crosses a line and becomes self-defeating.
First, think on this – “We judge ourselves based on our intentions. We judge each other based on observable behaviors.”