“All Views Are My Own”
Why (and how!) local government staff should tell their stories on social media.
Why (and how!) local government staff should tell their stories on social media.
It is the discipline that requires the most focus for the planners and program controls staff. Without this discipline, the development of a credible baseline is simply not possible.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates an American takes his or her own life every 16 minutes and that suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States. If you are observant and brave enough to ask someone that seems to be depressed if they are thinking of killing themselves,… Read more »
Some lessons learned on working with your manager.
The more resilient we are, the easier it is to be flexible and adaptable in times of uncertainty and stress.
Performance management programs can provide considerable benefits to government organizations; however, poorly implemented programs can lead to detrimental organizational outcomes. Read on to explore seven high-impact dangers of poorly implemented performance management programs.
A little bit of technical debt can sometimes be strategic, but keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. And as always, plan ahead.
It is kind of interesting that powers-that-be have been preaching the gospel of in-flight exercise on long-haul plane rides to avoid health issues, but only relatively recently has it occurred to us that sitting at a desk for twenty or thirty years might be harmful.
Are you ready to be the tech superhero for your local community?
Generations can learn a lot from each other.