5 Tips To Make Your Employee Portal Desirable (Again)
Does your company, government agency, or organization miss the mark with their internal employee portal?
Does your company, government agency, or organization miss the mark with their internal employee portal?
Want to have a successful career? Be a great leader? Help your team and organization perform better? No matter what your current position or future goals, there’s one thing that will impact your career even more than competence or expertise – they way you treat others.
You will learn who you can trust to water your plants when you are away, and who trusts you to care of theirs. You may learn his/her thought processes just by listening to the narratives offered about the plants.
It’s easy to say “let’s go digital” but another matter to get organizational buy-in, especially when you work at an agency that has used the same paper-based processes for decades.
Learn how to make your approach to citizen engagement more personal.
Who wants a two (or one million dollar) TSP balance, anyway?
How GIS can help solve public health preparedness problems.
Learn your colleagues’ languages of appreciation.
Read on to meet the new GovLoop Featured Bloggers, who will be posting once a week for the next three months.
How to overcome performance issues with one simple solution.