Snowflake Performance Reviews
A case for constructive criticism.
A case for constructive criticism.
We all have seen of or heard of differences between how it is in the public or private sectors. Let’s see some of the similarities between the two.
One of the biggest divides I have noticed since I entered government service eight years ago is the one between people who have kids and people who don’t.
Assistive technology can enrich your life as well as often helping you remain living independently in the community. There are many types of A.T. items designed to make life easier that cover a wide range of disabilities.
Take these tips into consideration when you need to de-stress at work.
Learn the differences between virtual and augmented realities and what they mean for you.
Three things managers can do to embrace telework and move from taboo to can-do!
Do you center joy or pain in your decision making?
Check out this featured blogger’s tips for writing more effective opening paragraphs.
Focus on removing the organizational barriers that waste your peoples’ time, talents, and energy. Strategically managing your people is how you create innovative ideas to make your organization succeed.