Posts Tagged: featured blogger

Dakota Access Pipeline: 5 Reasons the Protests Are Happening

  Failure of the U.S. Legal System: From an archaeological perspective, the violence against protesters fighting for their cultural heritage in North Dakota (ND) has resulted from the failure of the U.S. legal system. The completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) would make the pipeline go across more than 200 waterways, which requires permitsRead… Read more »

Open Data 2.0: Transparency, Now With Focus

Governments often mark the success of open data by how many datasets they’ve published on open portals. But publishing data, I’d argue, is open data 1.0. Open data 2.0 involves putting these data to good use. It means open data that informs policymaking budgetary decisions, that raises awareness of issues, and ultimately, that empowers communities.