‘Just the Facts’ Harder to Find in Today’s Media Landscape
While fake news on the internet is nothing new, the role and the degree to which it may be playing in our decision making has taken on new significance.
While fake news on the internet is nothing new, the role and the degree to which it may be playing in our decision making has taken on new significance.
The next administration will need to make important choices about both government data and Iraq. What can Mosul’s ruins tell us about the future of government data?
The context in which innovations need to function is a complex one that has many interconnected parts. The mindset in this mode sets a foundation upon which the synthesis of valuable innovation concepts occurs.
Ever feel like you spend way too much time sitting on your bottom and not enough time up and about? There are many simple ways to add activity into your daily work routine. Keep reading for five ways to stay active even at a desk job!
If you want to improve your leadership skills, you need to know how you’re perceived by the people around you. The best way to do that is through a 360 degree feedback survey.
Created through the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) have been helping the government benefit from emerging technology for years.
There is no question that the federal workforce needs to attract diverse and talented people so the U.S. government is positioned to tackle the complex issues facing our country. That includes millennials. There are four key steps the next administration and Congress must take to ensure millennials consider public service as a career option and… Read more »
Teams look instinctively to their leaders for emotional clues on how to respond to situations, or at least I know I do. Especially in times of uncertainty, your employees will look to you to see how they should respond.
Knowing people is about gaining an understanding of people’s thoughts and needs by listening, observing, interacting and analyzing.
While social media can be empowering, the same tools enable falsehood and lies to spread faster and farther than ever. How did we get here, and what should governments and citizens do about it?