IT is Changing. Here’s Your Road Map
If you wander into the new IT landscape and need orientation, you’re not alone. How do we navigate this new environment so that we can get the programs we need? Let’s connect the dots.
If you wander into the new IT landscape and need orientation, you’re not alone. How do we navigate this new environment so that we can get the programs we need? Let’s connect the dots.
I have bad news for you. Most people find data really, really boring. Really boring. That means that our charge is to figure out the story behind the data and communicate it in a compelling way.
More times than not, it’s these preferences–and our different preferences– that aggravate us most about our coworkers. The reality is that we can’t force how others choose to communicate, interact with others, or how they decide to manage tasks. What we can do is reframe our thinking about our coworkers when we get frustrated with… Read more »
Here’s a secret your boss doesn’t want you to know: we don’t always get it right. Shocking, right? But seriously, how we handle those opportunities as leaders is where we can set ourselves apart. Here’s a couple ‘No-No’s’ that I’ve committed since in my recent position change that I hope you can learn from.
If you are in a job search over the age of 50, chances are you have encountered challenges due to conscious or unconscious biases based on perceptions of the more mature worker.
A logic model, or log frame, or conceptual framework, is a graphic representation that depicts how an organization’s or program’s goals are related to its inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes.
When it comes to bosses, millennials aren’t looking for a top-down manager. According to a recent study by Gallup, they are looking for coaches — somebody who will help develop their skills.
Many organizations just don’t know how to transform innovation into a repeatable practice. If done correctly, innovation can become a measured, systemic process – and this framework can help you get there.
In biological ecosystems, plants and animals rely on each other to spread energy throughout their ecosystems. Local governments increasingly are coming out of their silos and working together, sometimes in the form of collaboratives to bring people together to solve problems using data.
Developing and cultivating relationships with the small business community and supporting their goals to grow their business are important in the federal space. How can larger private companies help their smaller counterparts? By developing a program that supports these small businesses through the development, engagement, and enablement of an ecosystem of companies.