Quote Overload: 5 Tips to Make Citations More Meaningful
Language is important, so be mindful of the words you choose to post that will remain on the internet forever. Follow these simple rules to make your quote postings more meaningful.
Language is important, so be mindful of the words you choose to post that will remain on the internet forever. Follow these simple rules to make your quote postings more meaningful.
Over the past week I’ve been talking about the rise of toxic leaders. Of course, the best way to deal with toxic supervisors is to not to hire them in the first place. Your next best option is to move them out of roles responsible for other people ASAP. A great way to do this… Read more »
When it comes to the idea of open data in government, I am one of its greatest fans. Here are a few of my top reasons open data is the best thing to happen to the government since federal holidays.
With the presidential and congressional elections fast approaching, now is a great time for federal employees to brush up on the Hatch Act.
Every email that hits me overwhelms me with new information. I used to keep everything in my inbox and file it away in the folders only to miss deadlines on responding back. Until, I finally started poking around Microsoft Outlook and using their amazing features to stay organized. These features are too good not to… Read more »
Here are the things I learned that lessened my anxiety about social media—I hope they will help you, too.
The feedback you provide in a training evaluation is more important than you think. Let me explain why.
I decided to take responsibility for my feelings. Here’s why, how, and what it did for me.
What if engagement isn’t the problem? Rather than being an end in itself, what if engagement is merely a symptom of the actual underlying issue?
Training is a useful tool, but it’s just that – a tool. The apparent need for training can mask a deeper problem – unclear expectations. When employees don’t know what you want, smart people create processes that don’t work.