Sleep Your Way To A Better Work Day
As someone who sometimes struggles with sleep deprivation, I can honestly say that quality sleeping is just as important to our careers as learning how to use the latest piece of software.
As someone who sometimes struggles with sleep deprivation, I can honestly say that quality sleeping is just as important to our careers as learning how to use the latest piece of software.
Aplaylist of fabulous hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s to keep you motivated and dancing in your seat (or Dancing in the Street) right through the end of Fiscal Year 2016!
Here, in honor of my father—and of fathers and mentors everywhere—is an annotated list of what Dad taught me about life, love, and work.
The details: We’re looking for 15 (or more!) great GovLoop voices to blog once a week for the GovLoop community throughout October, November, and December
To fully understand and embrace the end-user’s perspective, agency leaders should apply agile methodologies and analytics to create an echo chamber of success stories and lessons learned transcending the borders of each agency.
I hope to save hundreds of meeting attendees from utter boredom with the following top ten tips for running a good meeting.
Do you have an emergency preparedness plan? You should. Here are some tips.
I am contributing 5% to my TSP, getting the maximum agency match, and I’m also paying into Social Security and the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS). Is that going to be enough to retire on?
In surveying 116 public sector IT professionals, we found that agencies are actively moving much of their infrastructure to the cloud, while still keeping a significant number of applications in-house.
Tap into expert behavioral and decision sciences to improve your ability to persuade others to support the mission.