Knock, Knock. Who’s There? Open-Door Policy?
Recently, I sat down with an associate analyst (AA) in state government to talk “shop.” Here’s how the conversation went.
Recently, I sat down with an associate analyst (AA) in state government to talk “shop.” Here’s how the conversation went.
The difference today, of course, is that Linux and open source software in general have evolved from a “hobby” to preferred solutions for many organizations, including government agencies.
So what does “growth hacking” in the federal space look like? Here’s one example.
Here are five things you can do right now that will prepare you and your colleagues for the virtual world of work that’s coming.
Find out 11 ways to approach co-workers in your office who lack or have weak digital literacy skills.
Here are a few life-saving resources and tips that got me started with HTML and will hopefully be helpful for you as well.
This discussion of language shows not only that words matter, but that we must treat each and every person with the dignity and respect we would like shown to us.
Are you applying for another position within their organization? Not sure what you can do to stand out? Here are a few tips.
With the business case for analytics becoming stronger every day, government agencies are likely to drive a momentous adoption wave in 2016 and beyond.
It’s almost always worth focusing on what your office could measure because measurement influences nearly every aspect of operations and communications.