Communicators: Here’s How to Help Your Agency’s Leaders Connect with Stakeholders
How to equip your leadership with what they need to successfully connect with stakeholders and make the best use of everyone’s time.
How to equip your leadership with what they need to successfully connect with stakeholders and make the best use of everyone’s time.
As a leader of more than a dozen volunteer organizations and a founder of three not-for-profit organizations, I have extensive experience in trying to motivate people who are extremely talented but aren’t financially reimbursed for their time. In addition, as a supervisor in government work, I know the challenges of inspiring employees who are olderRead… Read more »
The focus now has to be on attracting the next generation of workers to government — but how do you do it?
Never settle for mediocrity or lower your performance standards for anyone because at the end of the day, it is your very own reflection that will stare at you the harshest.
Here are some quotes from many of America’s great thinkers and doers as inspiration for your Fourth of July holiday.
Of all the benefits provided by the federal government, have you ever stopped to consider the benefits of your unused sick leave?
For government agencies, a strong brand can help build public trust in our work, raise awareness of our services and help us connect with the very people who fund our agencies.
Here are a few “secrets” that you may not know about Information Security, which you can use to help you form a stronger alliance or prevent any missteps that could cause problems for the team.
Employees’ performance is dependent on many factors. There are some signs and symptoms that can be controlled, as well as recognized early on by exercising caring leadership.
The phrase “customer service” has often sounded like an oxymoron to anyone who has endured interminable lines at the DMV, navigated maze-like call centers, or even attempted to get a simple answer from a website. Help could be on the way – and sooner than you think.