Honing Your Lateral Management Skills
The benefit to the team grows exponentially when all members of the team (i.e., not just managers) can effectively manage laterally.
The benefit to the team grows exponentially when all members of the team (i.e., not just managers) can effectively manage laterally.
There is no doubt that the move to cloud computing is here. But many organizations still struggle with an essential question: What is the best way to get there?
Three keys can help you make sure your next recognition program is effective and efficient.
Communicating with Congress regularly presents a big opportunity for federal agencies to connect the public to the services, tools and products that provide great value.
I’ve become convinced a new paradigm must be introduced in public sector IT for the public to regain any semblance of confidence that the over $85 billion spent each year is even marginally worthwhile.
Keeping yourself safe online doesn’t have to be a hassle and you can have a little fun doing it! Here are a few easy tips that can make a considerable difference in keeping your online profile more secure and help you feel like a secret agent in the process.
To remain in a job that brings you no pleasure or a sense of accomplishment, at the end of the day, is a choice. There is no obstacle too great when the rewards are worth the sacrifices made to achieve them.
Good communication is at the root of all successful organizational change. When done well, staff support the change and help their organizations evolve. Let’s talk about how to communicate well in times of change.
The need for a dedicated public safety network is getting bigger with the increased use of wireless devices.
The silo effect is something we have all probably felt within our organizations, but we can also feel it within the communities we work in. Joining a nonprofit board is a strategic and beneficial way to bridge that gap and improve connectivity.