Keep an Eye on the SIPA UserCon
The Colorado SIPA User Conference is an annual free event that brings together the biggest innovators and thinkers in Colorado government technology to talk about serving Colorado communities with technology.
The Colorado SIPA User Conference is an annual free event that brings together the biggest innovators and thinkers in Colorado government technology to talk about serving Colorado communities with technology.
By tapping this organizational tool, you will have a sparkling clean desk and office. Never again will you drown in the sticky note sea.
Team-building takes a lot of effort. But, including the key components of trust, communication and appreciation will help you to build a successful team.
There is something unique about certain people. We know their style. We can recognize their uniqueness in an instant.
The city of Buffalo, New York’s “Operation Clean Sweep” program uses a proactive governance approach to engage with the community. Equally important, Buffalo illustrates that 311 is much more than just a number.
Engaging your virtual workforce is a mixture of leveraging people-skills and technology. Initially, building strong workplace relationships with a virtual team can be challenging. Here are some tips to enhance your virtual employee engagement.
Create a win-win-win solution by working with interns.
Are you involved in projects that are daring in their visioning? If so, how do you preserve your vision as it goes through the approval process?
To navigate and succeed in this digital environment will require consciously acquiring new skills, and updating existing ones. Digital Literacy is the new mantra and needed call to action for all of us.
Agencies should take these three key next steps to Improve their FITARA 8.0 scorecards.