Why Partnerships Are Key to Success for Urban Science Programs
Improve your state’s data analytics initiatives by partnering with urban science programs that offer the policy know-how you need.
Improve your state’s data analytics initiatives by partnering with urban science programs that offer the policy know-how you need.
The equivalence of this in my adult life is being read to from a PowerPoint presentation that I could, you know, read myself. We’ve all been in those presentations, trainings or meetings. The presenter hands out a stapled version of the PowerPoint that’s on the screen. And then they read it to you. Verbatim. Don’t… Read more »
We are already more than half-way through the performance year. Now is this time to start thinking about annual accomplishment reports. Are you ready?
Achieving better organizational results today is dependent upon connectedness.
Whatever the contemporary debate may be among economists and philosophers about the benefits of college, for the federal worker, given the ever-increasing educational requirements for career advancement, college is definitely worth it.
Civic engagement is key to truly producing change at a policy level. However, it is only one piece of the puzzle.
Governments are one of the largest repositories of in-demand data. Why shouldn’t government use data journalism to unlock value by telling its own story?
If you know the Meyers Briggs personality test, you may know all four of your temperament indicators. But how does the (S) vs. (N) breakdown affect you?
Words can be a weapon or a wellspring of creative beauty. Here are several tips to best use your voice and improve communications.
Powerpoint is a trusted source for sharing information. But there’s also the dreaded “death by powerpoint.” Here are 3 ways to improve your presentations.