Think and Grow Rich: 4 Ways to Improve Your Customer Service
Key takeaways are for you to develop a positive and great work ethic that will inspire you to develop yourself and provide excellent customer service.
Key takeaways are for you to develop a positive and great work ethic that will inspire you to develop yourself and provide excellent customer service.
Feeling overwhelmed at work and need solutions to manage it? This roadmap can help reduce stress, better manage your work load and help you find a better work-life balance.
We need more than just data scientists doing city work; we need a strong ecosystem that will support a smart team of urban data scientists as they assist city leadership in driving successful outcomes for citizens.
An integrative approach can help build a long-lasting partnership among policy, communications and operations teams.
During any given month, there is likely a short or long-term problem to resolve. Here’s how you can set up a structured brainstorming session for your team to help empower them.
Creating efficiencies is a constant practice. But with the right strategy, you can create high-performance teams in government.
The red bead experiment is a useful tool to facilitate the discussion of addressing problems at work. It also highlights the interactive role between management and workers that involves trust in order to problem solve.
Delays are never fun, and they always come at the worst possible time. Here’s how my recent train experience reminded me about how I can better handle professional setbacks and delays.
Building great teams that produce great work is difficult, but a necessity in today’s world.
Every generation is different and comes with its particular challenges. Understanding and harnessing the energy and enthusiasm of millennials is different than managing different cohorts, but no less satisfying.