Posts Tagged: Featured Contributor

Building Trust and Credibility as a Public Leader Through Thought Leadership

As a public leader in the 21st century, it’s no longer enough to hide behind press releases and scripted speeches. Today’s society demands a different kind of leader — one who’s authentic, accessible and unafraid to engage.  Before you think you have to jump on the next social media trend, consider the impact of thought… Read more »

Breaking Free: Is Your Career Coiled in a Small Tank?

In a thought-provoking speech, a motivational speaker and former Miss USA used a metaphor of a snake’s growth being limited by its small tank to illustrate how environments can hinder personal and professional growth. Here are telltale signs that you are thriving in your professional “tank,” or that it’s time for an upgrade.

Are You Committing Any of These Data Viz Sins?

Data visualizations are crucial to sharing the results of quantitative work. Ideally, they should help your audience understand your findings quicker, like a power-assisted bicycle. However, most of us are not trained in data visualization best practices and it can be difficult to know what type of chart to choose.