Let’s Start the Contract With a Great Kick-off
In federal contracting, a post-award orientation is commonly called a “kick-off” and is an important way to ensure that contractors perform the work they should.
In federal contracting, a post-award orientation is commonly called a “kick-off” and is an important way to ensure that contractors perform the work they should.
The collaborative development envelope addresses poor performance and provides incentives to achieve better solutions with a transparent approach.
Over the past several years, concern about pricing variability among the same or similar items on different schedule contracts led some agencies to publicly question whether they could rely on rates negotiated by GSA.
If you’re feeling a little gun-shy about using the Schedules, here are five online tools you can use to make sure you secure better pricing on your next GSA purchase.
These were the words of a career procurement specialist who shall remain unnamed, at an agency that shall remain unnamed, as the point is not to embarrass an individual or agency so much as it is to identify an attitude that is all too widespread in the federal procurement and contract management world. And ifRead… Read more »
By Cindy Wilkins, PMP, SCEA Your team may have spent hours and hours considering the program management, risk management and quality assurance issues involved in letting a new government contract. But have you pulled the key information about how that contract will be managed into a single plan? A Contract Management Plan (CMP) is oneRead… Read more »
By Anna Hartley, PMP, CFCM, ICCM-F level 2 You manage or are part of a project and decide to add additional features or functionality to the product or service you provide. You think it will please the customer and make the team look good. But what if it slows the project, adds costs or isn’tRead… Read more »