Posts Tagged: federal agencies

Strategic Priorities for Agencies to Achieve Cost Effective AI 

The high costs associated with implementing advanced AI technology are often a significant barrier for agencies looking to adopt such tools. But certain cost-effective strategies — including upskilling, shared AI resources, and efficient tools — can help agencies dramatically reduce development costs.

Three Ways To Improve Federal Digital CX On A Shoestring

Have you read the results of the Government Business Council’s new “Digital Disconnect” survey? The results are fascinating, and I could go on for quite some time about them (just ask my dogs, who have been listening to me rant about the survey all morning). However, at the moment I will focus on the resultRead… Read more »

Federal Government Marks Independence Day on Social Media

As America celebrates the Fourth of July this year, several federal agencies and the White House have released commemorative information via Twitter and other social media, including: & OPM: “The Fourth of July, or Independence Day, is a federal holiday that celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. FindRead… Read more »