Gov Cloud Adoption’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Federal government agencies began adopting enterprise-wide cloud roughly a decade ago. In 2018, many are still struggling with IT modernization.
Federal government agencies began adopting enterprise-wide cloud roughly a decade ago. In 2018, many are still struggling with IT modernization.
The center would be a public-private partnership bringing together computer science, design and economics experts for brainstorming ideas for government.
Cybersecurity standards that are good enough for the federal government can prove equally beneficial to its state and local counterparts.
Government innovation starts with realizing one federal employee can create change within the whole ecosystem and their agency.
Presidential Innovation Fellows help solve problems facing America that are too difficult for the federal government to address alone.
In this post, we’ll shed some light on three myths about millennials and government.
Agencies at all levels are finding new ways to serve constituents using cloud services, whether it’s improving transportation or protecting the environment.
Overcome age discrimination in the federal government by applying these four tips to break through the barriers. Help build the future federal workforce.
It’s that time again: The annual Granicus National Summit is taking place right here in Washington, D.C. on April 3. And this year, we have 28 government and industry speakers lined up to present on new trends in digital engagement and modernization in the public sector.
The escalation of cyberattacks, both in volume and sophistication, makes it imperative that every public servant has an eye on security. Here are a few statistics that highlight the state of cybersecurity in government.