5 Additions to Hillary’s Initiative on Technology & Innovation
Five items for the next administration to consider in modernizing government technology.
Five items for the next administration to consider in modernizing government technology.
Learn how private sector trends are being used to promote government innovation.
Government can reduce costs, ramp up productivity and meet constituent expectations by leveraging new technology. Start with a focus on solving problems and better serving citizens.
The government is fighting a losing battle for the war on talent. Less than half of the federal workforce expresses confidence in the government’s ability to recruit people with the “right skills.”
Learn how to foster more innovation at the federal level.
In the wake of the devastating OPM data breach, the Obama administration is gradually shifting investigation duties to a new entity that will be supported by the Defense Department.
Have you ever heard of a customer comment card-in government? Neither have I, but there is a way to thank your fellow federal govies for their great work. The Partnership for Public Service has once again opened their nominations for the annual Service to America Medals (also known as the Sammies), but hurry because theRead… Read more »
Satisfaction in these disengaging days as feds has to come from within, particularly when the good you contribute is not recognized.
There are so many options in federal government that can make your schedule and stress level more manageable.
Recently, GovLoop’s Christopher Dorobek moderated a panel of government IT experts, hosted by the Association for Federal Information Resources Management (AFFIRM). Parts of the panel discussion around the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) will be on today’s DorobekINSIDER. Last year, a new law – FITARA – was passed to help government better spendRead… Read more »