Posts Tagged: Federal

Richard Spires: CIOs Need More Infrastructure, Business System Control

Lawmakers need to draft a stronger information technology procurement reform legislation that gives agency chief information officers greater control of the infrastructure and business systems, former DHS CIO Richard Spires writes in a column for FCW. He noted that the Obama administration’s website woes have thrust the business of buying and managing IT toRead… Read more »

Survey Shows Agencies Confident in Meeting 2015 Spending Target

A joint survey by Grant Thornton and the American Association for Budget and Program Analysis shows agency budget managers are confident their organizations can meet federally-mandated budget caps in fiscal 2015, Federal News Radio reported Wednesday. More than two-thirds of survey respondents show signs of optimism for the next fiscal year’s budget and have beenRead… Read more »

End the Code of Silence

Too often managers use the excuse of “maintaining good order and discipline” to mob an employee out of government for other reasons completely. Overusing or misusing the disciplinary process is rampant, with “mobbing” or gang harassment on the rise. The real reason for this is usually “retaliation”. Retaliation against a whistleblower, retaliation against an employeeRead… Read more »

The Importance of Project Schedule in Government Program Management

The government runs on programs. Studies have shown effective program management saves the government time, and money. In a fiscal environment dominated by sequestration, how do program managers stay above the fray? In this four-part series we’ll take a look at managing schedule, cost, scope, and quality. We’ll give you valuable tips and feedback toRead… Read more »

GSA Issues Call to Landowners for New FBI HQ Location Ideas

The General Services Administration is looking for a new location that would function as a consolidated headquarters for the FBI. Landowners in the District of Columbia and neighboring counties have been asked to submit proposals for the new site and GSA will accept submissions through Dec. 17. “GSA seeks to identify sites that would beRead… Read more »

James Miller, Walter Johnson Unveil FCC Internet Speed Test Tool

The Federal Communications Commission has launched a speed test application for mobile broadband networks as part of its efforts to help consumers choose wireless providers. The app for Android smartphones works to evaluate the speed and latency of mobile broadband networks, store the information in cloud environments and provide users an overview of actual networkRead… Read more »

CBO Tags Issa-Connolly IT Reform Bill at $145B

The Congressional Budget Office estimates a bill to amend laws regulating how the federal government acquires and manages information technology would cost nearly $145 billion to implement for fiscal years 2014 through 2018. That bill would use pay-as-you-go procedures for funding and agencies not affected by annual appropriations could feel effects on direct spending, CBORead… Read more »

What the Government Shutdown Taught Me

We’re all familiar by now with the impact the 2013 Government Shutdown had on government employees, the American people, and the economy. Just to recap a few statistics from the shutdown; 6.6 million days of lost work, $2 billion in back-pay costs, 120,000 private sector jobs lost, estimated decrease of fourth quarter real GDP ofRead… Read more »

Government IT Forum to Overview Policy, Tech Trends

1105 Media’s public sector group will hold a government information technology forum from Dec. 2 to 3 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. The event will feature five education sessions on big data, cloud, cyber, mobile and records and information management, 1105 Media said Tuesday. “We are pleased to offer thisRead… Read more »

Audit Outlines Missed IT Savings Chances for Agencies

A Government Accountability Office report says federal agencies have largely not developed comprehensive plans to consolidate information technology systems under the PortfolioStat initiative, Nextgov reported Wednesday. Joseph Marks writes GAO identified 200 IT reform opportunities that could save agencies up to $5.8 billion through 2015. GAO’s savings projection is more than double the $2.5 billionRead… Read more »