Posts Tagged: Federal


Eugene Hudson Jr. elected Secretary-Treasurer; Augusta Thomas reelected NVP, Women’s and Fair Practices J. David Cox today was elected national president of the American Federation of Government Employees during the union’s 39th National Convention in Las Vegas. Eugene Hudson Jr. was elected National-Secretary Treasurer, while Augusta Thomas was reelected National Vice President for Women’s andRead… Read more »

OMB Guidance: What Is a Program?

This is a question to which agencies will now have to come up with an answer. And it won’t be easy! Background Earlier this Spring, Senator Tom Coburn grilled an OMB witness at a hearing about why OMB had not yet implemented a provision in the GPRA Modernization Act requiring the creation of a government-wideRead… Read more »

OMB Guidance: Prepare to SOAR

OMB has released its long-awaited guidance for the implementation of new provisions in the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010. It describes a novel way to meet a statutory requirement to annually judge the performance of government programs. Agencies will have to put this new approach in place over the next two years. A provision buriedRead… Read more »

A New Federal Performance Framework

OMB has released a new performance framework for the federal government. It is embedded in its guidance to agencies on how they should prepare their budget requests for fiscal year 2014, which is called OMB Circular A-11. Last week, the Office of Management and Budget released its annual technical guidance to agencies regarding how theyRead… Read more »

Sequestration Planning Benefits from Enterprise Architecture-Driven Value Engineering

The next 5 months portend a spectacle of US Congressional battles to be waged ahead of the pending, mandatory “sequester” – automatic, mandatory federal government spending reductions of about $1 Trillion over 9 years, in non-exempt, discretionary appropriations, set to take effect 1/2/2013. Forward-thinking planners in government IT organizations, in large Programs that depend uponRead… Read more »

Disability Awareness Survey

Hello Govloopers. I’m hoping you can help me out. I’m a current Fellow with the Partnership for Public Service Excellence in Government Fellows Program and my cohort group is working on a project to raise disability awareness among Federal Employees. Specifically, we have a survey to get YOUR understanding about the hiring of individuals withRead… Read more »

Work-Life Balance: Can Female Feds “HAVE IT ALL”?

Some media elites are beating the drum over whether today’s working women “can have it all“? — as they put it. That is, achieving a successful work life as a career professional and a fulfilling home life as a mother/spouse. Is mastering the socalled work-life balance too much to expect of women in the fastRead… Read more »

Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area Recognized by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management: CFC Hero Awards

Global Impact, whose mission is to assure help for the world’s most vulnerable people, announced Lieutenant Commander Michael Edwards and Mr. Edward Gingold received the CFC Hero Award from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for their efforts as campaign workers for the 2011 Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA). Lieutenant CommanderRead… Read more »

Can You Hear the Whistle?

Michael Pilato, creator of the Penn State mural “Inspiration,” made a change to his painting Saturday, removing the halo over former football coach Joe Paterno. This visual fall from glory was preceded by the July 12 release of a damning, 267-page investigative report on the on-going child abuse scandal, compiled by former FBI director LouisRead… Read more »


Congratulations Dept of the Interior, Office of the Secretary Internship Program. Pathways officially started July 12th, 2012. I believe that DOI is first federal agency to post a PATHWAYS Internship announcement on Open July 16 to July 23, 2012. Good work HR Specialist: [email protected] But check out below … this is only a 3Read… Read more »