Posts Tagged: Federal

Daily Dose: Leadership Remains One of the Lowest Ranked Federal Workplace Categories

Yesterday evening, Tom Fox reported that according to the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government rankings, leadership remains to be one of the lowest ranked categories. Why are federal leaders receiving these low scores of 54.9 out of 100? Our government leaders, particularly the political and career senior executives, performed poorly when itRead… Read more »

How to benefit the most from working with proposal consultants, and 30% Spring discount

One type of growth challenge that business developers and owners face stems from not having enough time, personnel, or expertise to prepare and respond to the solicitations that otherwise would be a perfect fit for the company. You may be completely new to hiring consultants. You may be worn thin from all the heavy hoursRead… Read more »

Federal Conference on Diversity: Real commitment is key for change

Why are we still asking the same questions and exploring the same issues? What needs to be different? This is how Sharon Fitzpatrick opened her discussion, “Diversity and Inclusion”, during today’s Federal Conference on Diversity. “We have the wrong conversations about the right things – lack of commitment, unwillingness for change, lack of resources,” sheRead… Read more »

Success Factors In Federal Business Development

How hard can it be to do federal business development? All you need is to be good with people and a willingness to talk to decision makers, right? If it were so easy, why for years has BD been given a bad name, and why have many companies struggled to hire business developers who produceRead… Read more »

Federal Employee Engagement: Keys to Mission Success

In an era of shrinking budgets and increasing demands for high-quality services, productivity improvement is critical to performance outcomes. How can public-sector organizations meet fiscal requirements while sustaining effective performance levels? Tune-in to FedCentral today on WFED 1500AM at 10am to hear David Dye, Director, Federal Human Capital, Deloitte Consulting LLP and John M. Palguta,Read… Read more »

Cybersecurity Legislation is Revisited by Lawmakers.

Authored by Doug Kruger and originally posted to Blue Coat’s Federal Blue Print blog. There has been a lot of conversation around the new cybersecurity legislation and several bills have been circulating in Congress as lawmakers are faced with the growing reality of cyber attacks that should cripple critical infrastructure such as water, electricity orRead… Read more »

CFPB Accepts First Citizen-Submitted Code on Behalf of Federal Government

“Fix typo.” Not quite “one small step for man,” but a significant first nonetheless. These simple words, typed by an open-source developer operating under the pseudonym “iceeey,” may represent the first collaborative effort between the federal government and the broader open-source community, and surely represents a tangible win for the open-government movement as a whole.Read… Read more »

Federal Decision Makers Still Reading the Printed Word and Attending Trade Shows

Today, more than 200 executives from the DC area convened at the fourth annual Federal Media and Marketing Study (FMMS) breakfast hosted by Market Connections to learn how to effectively reach government decision makers when selling to the federal market. Knowing how to target those leaders who, ultimately, make the buying decisions can be highlyRead… Read more »

What’s Missing from CFPB’s Awesome New Source Code Policy

Most often, when we talk about open source in government, it’s talked about in one of two ways: either it’s the pitfalls of the federal IT procurement model that can’t seem to comprehend a world in which open-source is an option, much less potentially a superior choice (“acquisition as a roadblock“), or it’s reiterating theRead… Read more »

Scandalous! Okay, But this Guy is Talented and Has a Future

Ralph Smith is the president and a co-founder of Sign up for the free daily email newsletterto get the latest news affecting federal employees. This article originally appeared on The General Services Administration (GSA) has been getting rammed with negative publicity around the country. It isn’t the kind of publicity that anyRead… Read more »