Posts Tagged: Federal

Task Order Proposal Management Best Practices

The NCA chapter has nearly 1,000 members, and is the largest APMP chapter worldwide. At our last Dinner Series event, three speakers, Lauren Hammond, Director of Proposal Management and Support for Management Concepts; Dan Shyti, Vice President of the L-3 STRATIS; and Wendy Frieman, Consultant, shared their task order proposal management secrets: Company size doesn’tRead… Read more »

It’s Easy to Find Government Information

Like it or not, government is a big presence in the United States. The considerable number of bureaus, departments, and offices has always made it difficult for citizens to find their way around. And then the Internet arrived. Today, the United States government has just about the largest internet presence on earth. And it’s allRead… Read more »

The “Government” Network

By Heidi Sheppard On a typical INEAP meeting day I might hear a conversation among representatives from the Economic Development Administration (EDA), the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discussing cluster development initiatives and how to work together. In another corner, the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of CommerceRead… Read more »

Successful Planning for your BD Strategy. Interview with Business Development Expert

Some psychological studies assert that if someone writes down an idea and its implementation, there is close to 50% probability of it becoming a reality. If the implementation is broken down into steps that are captured in writing, the probability of being down goes up to 70%. Adding a date to each step raises thisRead… Read more »

Federal Job Search Training Discussion, FedTalk Radio 11 am ET with Kathryn Troutman

JOIN THE FEDERAL JOB SEARCH DISCUSSION … Call or write an email with your questions and challenges with your Federal Job Search! Internet or radio listening! February 10, 2012 — This week on FEDtalk, host Debra Rothwill lead a roundtable discussion on federal resume writing, and federal employment “train the trainer” programs in the D.C.Read… Read more »

8 Simple Steps To A Successful Bid

A successful bid can be clarified as a well thought out realistic response to the agencies needs. Being able to produce a successful bid is not an easy task, FAR clauses, specifications, and requirements can drain anybody’s energy. Here are 8 steps that can produce a successful bid: Market Research– Before you attempt to respondRead… Read more »

Developing Your 2012 Pipeline and Preparing For a Great Year of Winning Business

If you are anything like me, you’ve dealt with three challenges during the holidays – trying to keep from overindulging too much and gaining hard-to-shed pounds; fighting off a recurring cold; and trying to juggle family time with proposals that are due early to mid-January. By the way, I am officially envious if you facedRead… Read more »

Jobs Analysis of President Obama’s State of the Union, 2012 by a Federal Jobs Consultant

I analyzed SOTA for all remarks, plans, legislation, ideas to support JOBS and TRAINING and EDUCATION in the US for 2012. I came up with 11 major points that were made. I wrote this: “The initiatives described in the State of the Union may or may not be offering you real jobs today. “ ReadRead… Read more »

Avoid These 10 Common Pitfalls In Your Federal Resume Work Experience Section

By Kathryn Troutman, Author, Federal Resume Guidebook and CD-ROM, 5th Ed. and Federal Career Consultant, Do you want to avoid the most common pitfalls that I have seen in the Work Experience section of the federal resume? Whether you are just sitting down to draft your federal resume, or if you already have whatRead… Read more »