Posts Tagged: Federal

Daily Dose: How Can Seasoned Feds Get Their Mojo Back?

Back in early September, I asked a forum question around the findings of a new study which found that younger feds are happier at work. My colleague Alicia Mazzara summarized it in her Federal Buzz article in the Washington Post today. Study: Federal job satisfaction higher if you’re young In her article and as previouslyRead… Read more »

Would Cutting Federal Spending Slow the Economy?

Right now federal spending is consuming 24 percent of national income. At the same time, the amount of tax revenue the government is receiving is 14 percent of national income. In the event economic growth fails to increase at rates to close this spending-revenue gap, then cutting spending or raising taxes become the policy options.Read… Read more »

Lessons Learned: Making Strategic Hiring Decisions

Director‘s Perspective Lessons Learned: Making Strategic Hiring Decisions In a downsizing environment, there are steps you can take to ensure your organization is positioned well to carry out its responsibilities. In the 1990s, the Federal Government downsized a considerable portion of its workforce using such strategies as attrition, buy-outs, early-out retirements, and some reductions-in-force. ItRead… Read more »

Is Your Office Getting a Bit…Cozier?

Office space isn’t what it used to be – many offices and most government agencies are tearing down the walls – literally – and placing workers in increasingly small, and less private, cube space. Is this the trend in your office? Do smaller offices make it easier to collaborate, or just make you more annoyedRead… Read more »

Owning Transparency

I’m excited to announce the Open Forum Foundation’s very first official publication: A Guide to Owning Transparency How Federal Agencies can Implement and Benefit from Transparency [Get it here] This work is based on the in-person discussions hosted during the Focus Forum Owning Transparency: People, Processes, and Technology at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)Read… Read more »

GSA Asks What You Want in a Federal Web Site

On Monday the General Services Administration, on behalf of the White House, launched the National Dialogue on Improving Federal Web Sites. The purpose is to re-invent how the federal government delivers information and services online. The website created for the campaign asks citizens to share their ideas to help answer the question “What practices, policies,Read… Read more »

Message from Honorary Chair, Secretary Arne Duncan

THE SECRETARY OF EDUCATION Dear Fellow Federal Employees: This year marks a historic milestone. Fifty years ago, President John F. Kennedy established the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) to help people in local communities, across the nation, and around the world. It is my profound pleasure to serve as National Honorary Chair of the 50th anniversaryRead… Read more »

Post Award Blues

There is a terrible misconception that once a vendor obtains a government contract money will somehow come rolling in… FALSE. The time consuming process of obtaining the contract is not the hard the work, it is the post award process. To generate revenue for your business you need to have a strategy prior to obtainingRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Do You Feel Safe At Work?

Even though it’s been ten years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, federal employees still feel weary when they go to work. The DC Earthquake was a prime example, as many worried that it was not an earthquake, but indeed another attack on a nearby building. This fear, however, has not kept federal employees out ofRead… Read more »