Posts Tagged: Federal

Delay of Bad-News 3% Rule Provides Time to Kill It

The 3% rule, developed by the IRS, requires federal, state and local governments to withhold 3% of payments they make to contractors for taxes, much like employers withhold a percentage of employees’ income for tax purposes. Last week the IRS delayed the rule going into effect, which means there might be time to kill it.Read… Read more »

Daily Dose: It’s Progress Report Time for Federal Hiring Reform

As Federal Eye columnist Joe Davidson pointed out for the Washington Post today, a year has passed since President Obama announced he would be “revamping” the federal hiring process. These were the reforms that were supposed to eliminate KSAs in favor of more traditional job applications and (at least in theory) shorten the hiring processRead… Read more »

Proposals Writing: Solution Development – Win Themes, Management, Risk, Past Performance, Resumes, Technical Volumes

April 28-29, 2011 in North Bethesda, MD This course will offer you techniques, templates, checklists, and opportunities to develop win themes, management sections, risk sections, past performance references, resumes, and technical volumes. This course focuses on solution development, including Concepts of Operations (CONOPS), and explores in detail the type of content that goes into compliant,Read… Read more »

Proposal Writing Workshop: Writing Better Sections in Half the Time

In this course you will learn and practice speed-writing techniques to produce compliant and compelling federal and commercial proposals in half the time. This frees up your schedule and resources for brainstorming on a solution and polishing your proposal to raise your win probability. It will help you stress less, and make the writing processRead… Read more »

We Love our Feds, and So does GEICO

Geico is dedicated to serving those who serve our nation, but did you know that they also honor them? Federal employees better our country and make a difference every day, but rarely get the praise they deserve. In 1980, The GEICO Public Service Awards were established to emphasize GEICO’s belief that the contributions of manyRead… Read more »

GAO Outlines National Indicator System

GAO revisited a report it did in 2004 on creating a comprehensive indicator system to track the progress of our nation’s economy, people’s health, social well-being, and the environment. GAO looks at 20 different system used by other countries and by states and localities and offers a road map on how to develop a nationalRead… Read more »

Fine. You Do It. (.com)

I put together a site called ‘‘. Govlooper’s can go and post the things that they will need citizens to be doing for the country over the next few weeks. So post some stuff and show people what the “government” does for them everyday. Enjoy!

Daily Dose: Are You Being Too Close Minded About Your Job Search?

Are we being too closed minded when it comes to job searching? In the Washington Post article, “Want a federal government job? Think outside the box” by Derrick T. Dortch, he thinks along with diligence, networking and self-promotion that we need to think outside the box when it comes to the job search. He usesRead… Read more »