Posts Tagged: Federal

Department of the Interior is Leading the Way in Redefining the Role of the Department CIO

Too often we hear stories about how the Federal government, for one reason or another, lacks technological capabilities that are commonplace in the private sector and our everyday lives. For example, when this Administration first came into office employees at the Department of the Interior couldn’t even send a department-wide message due to its siloedRead… Read more »

Saving Money on Government IT (From

Posted by Vivek Kundra on December 10, 2010 at 04:03 PM EST For too long, many government IT projects cost hundreds of millions of dollars more than they should, took years longer than necessary to deploy, and delivered technologies that were obsolete by the time they were completed. This summer we took a hard lookRead… Read more »

Holiday Gift-Giving Guidance for Government Contractors

A govWin knowledge editor, Sean Tucker, put together this interesting article on gift-giving guidance for government contractors to their federal customers. As the holidays are approaching I felt this would be relevant to most people on govloop. Holiday Gift-Giving Guidance for Government Contractors The holidays are here, and you’re shopping for a small gift toRead… Read more »

The Meaning of Wikileaks

Wikileaks does it again, publishing material that was meant to be classified and protected. People have called it treasonous and recommended legal action. Others have suggested a cloak-and-dagger approach to punish the guilty. President Obama has called for agencies to review their procedures for handling sensitive material. The general consensus among those in Government andRead… Read more »

Expanded Tobacco Cessation Services for Federal Employees

Beginning on January 1, 2011, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will require all insurance carriers in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program to offer standardized, expanded tobacco cessation coverage. This includes full coverage (no enrollee copayments, no coinsurance, no deductibles, and no annual/lifetime dollar limits) for seven FDA-approved medications, four counseling sessionsRead… Read more »

The end of FCIP, and the start of something new?

As others have mentioned here on govloop, the Federal Career Intern Program was recently ruled illegal by the Merit Systems Protection Board. While it’s true that FCIPs are unfortunately not fully advertised in many cases–and get sent to me by referrals and advertised at job fairs–they were one of the best ways for my studentsRead… Read more »

The People Behind the Numbers

The 2010 CFCNCA hit the $20 million milestone! Before this blog is written, posted and read by GovLoop users, we are confident Federal employees will have rallied again to hit the 2010 goal. The power behind this machine is fueled by Federal employees who give their time, demonstrate their commitment and showcase their creativity toRead… Read more »

National Institute of Standards and Technologies Encourages Greater Online Participation in Upcoming Advisory Board Meetings, Nov 3-5

Are you interested in online privacy and cybersecurity? Now, you can watch government and industry experts discuss these issues in upcoming Federal Advisory Board Meetings being held November 3-5. You can tune-in live and submit your views and concerns directly to Board Members. This is government transparency and citizen participation at it’s finest! The NationalRead… Read more »

Scoop Up Talent Like the Fed Does

Last week, AfterCollege was asked to contribute and speak at the National Image Regional training seminar in Denver, Colorado. Roberto Angulo, CEO, joined Chad Boonsupa, Mgr. Government Programs, on an 11-speaker panel sharing their proven strategies to attract and recruit college grads. President Obama has tasked the Office of Personnel Management with simplifying the processRead… Read more »