Posts Tagged: Federal

Meet the Govie Who’s Saving Lives Through Innovation

Imagine the year is 2030. There are computers in every ambulance that can determine if someone is bleeding internally simply from their vital sign readings. Sounds like the introduction to a science fiction novel, right? Thanks to one man and his team, this technology is real and it’s being used everywhere from the battlefield toRead… Read more »

Cyberthreats and More: A Conversation with FBI CISO Arlette Hart

Arlette Hart is the chief information security officer (CISO) at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. As CISO of the FBI, she has a unique perspective. On the one hand, she is tasked with securing vast amounts of highly sensitive information. On the other, she has the inside track on the emerging cyber-threats, and some ofRead… Read more »

Bridging Cultural Divides with Multi-Lingual Websites

The global reach of the Internet makes it more imperative that communicators from every industry and organizations of all sizes create multi-lingual websites. Meeting your web audience in their language has never been more important. All aspects of translation and localization—from development and design to content creation and project management—are much more manageable these days. Translation Management Software (TMS) coupled with Content ManagementRead… Read more »